Malad City Newsletter

The big news for Malad City for November is that the long-awaited Bannock Street Reconstruction Project will go to bid this month. After seven years! It has taken a long time to get to this point, and we appreciate the patience of all businesses and citizens.
The project will be funded by four grants. Malad City will be responsible for a portion of the construction costs. The following is a short explanation of the project and the grants received:
STP Rural Grant 1 – approx. $4.3 million for Phase 1 Bannock Street from 100 West to 300 West. This phase will involve roadway reconstruction with sidewalk, curb & gutter, catch basins, and piping. City match is 7.34%
FEMA Grant – approx. $1 million for construction of retention basin and pipe to City property along Bush Avenue. City match is 10%
TAP Grant – approx. $650,000 for Phase 2 Bannock Street from 300 West to the railroad tracks. This phase will provide for sidewalk, curb, gutter, catch basins, and piping. City match is 7.34%
ITD Grant – awarded $1.96 million for Phase 2 Bannock Street from 300 West to 500 West for roadway reconstruction. No city match.
Malad City was also awarded a U.S. Forest Service grant of $1 million for trees, a gravel pathway, and sprinkler systems in the north half of the south park (current walking path) and the property north of the walking path where the retention basin will be built. The City has four years to spend the funds, and there is no match.
In addition, the Malad City was awarded an LHRIP Grant for $100,000 for 100 West from the Library to 4-Points for a new asphalt overlay and possibly a sidewalk on the west side. These funds need to be spent by September 30, 2026, and there is no city match.
The city will hold a public meeting on Tuesday evening, November 12, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the Oneida County Events Center located at 459 S. Main Street. Invitations will be sent to all property owners along Bannock Street in the impact area, Hess Pumice, Oneida County, Oneida County EMS, Oneida County School District, and the Malad Volunteer Fire Department.
The discussion at the meeting will cover property access by property owners, detour routes, time schedule, and setting up a Local Improvement District to cover the city’s cost share. Those attending may ask questions and share any concerns that you may have regarding the project.
Any member of the public is welcome to attend the meeting if you are interested, even if you will not be directly impacted. Everyone in Oneida County will be impacted in one way or the other by the project because of Bannock Street being a major thoroughfare.