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Idaho Enterprise

Looking Back

15 YEARS AGO (2009) “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” took stage at Allen Drug & Variety to capture 1st place in the Chamber of Commerce Halloween Costume Contest, large business category. Prince Charming is store owner Richard Allen and Snow White is Robyn Morley. The evil queen is Annette Hess and Marianne Crump, the wicked witch. The Seven Dwarfs (left to right) are: Happy - Suzanne Layton, Dopey - Wendy Pope, Sleepy - Laura Jacobsen, Grumpy - Athena Boel, Sneezy - July Colton, Doc - Tina Bullcreek, and Bashful - Linda Brown.

5 YEARS AGO (2019)

October 25th, 2019 turned out to be a beautiful sunny day. It was also a most special day for the Neal family. Their mother and grandmother, Peggy Wheeler Neal celebrated her 100th birthday!

Despite an early frost many children at Malad and Stone Elementary Schools were able to salvage the pumpkins they had made for Halloween and enter them in the Farm Bureau Pumpkin Contest. However, some children found that when they brought their frozen pumpkins inside and they thawed, they turned into a gooey mess! Other children who waited too long to purchase a pumpkin couldn’t find any in the stores because of the freeze.

Even though there were not quite as many pumpkins entered at Malad Elementary as in past years, pumpkins still lined one side of the long hallway, and every class was represented in the pumpkin contest. Awards were given for the Scariest, Funniest, Most Creative, Best Painted and Best Carved at Malad Elementary, and in addition, awards were presented to the Biggest and Smallest pumpkins. At Stone Elementary, those children participating received awards.

ATC Communications is proud to announce the winners of this year’s Halloween Decor Contest!

First place winners, Bryan and Terri Lyons, blew the contest wide open with their entire front yard tricked out for trick-or-treaters. The Lyons family took home a $60 gift basket and a month of FREE internet!

ATC’s second place winner, Shauna Mattox, featured a graveyard theme complete with a 10-foot tall ghost! Shauna was also awarded a month of FREE internet and a $40 gift basket.

ATC’s third place award was presented to Krista Blaisdell for her spider web display and giant ghost. Krista also took home a $30 gift basket treat.

10 YEARS AGO (2014)

The Malad High School volleyball team went undefeated at the 2014 2A Idaho State Volleyball Tournament to be crowned the 2A Idaho State Champions on Saturday, November 1, at Buhl High School. This year’s State Championship team members are Taber Paskett, Paityn Tripp, Jordan Hawkes, Bailey Hill, Sami Williams, Natalie Jensen, Lindsay Sorensen, Taya Thorpe, Hanah Peterson, Emmah Peterson, Bailey Wise, Rylee Tripp and Coach Camie Tripp.

Pumpkins lined the front hall of the Malad Elementary School last week for the annual Oneida County Farm Bureau pumpkin contest. Once again, it was a huge success featuring some of the most creative pumpkins around. Witches, mummies, gumball machines, and glittery princess pumpkins were just a few of the spectacularly decorated members of the squash family this year.

The Malad American Legion Ernest W. Jones Post 65 was once again recognized by the Idaho Army National Guard and honored with a Certificate of Appreciation. The Certificate of Appreciation presented to the Malad Post #65 indicated that the local Legionnaires provided military rites at 13 funerals during the past year. Besides providing military rites for deceased honorably discharged veterans, the local post presents military rites at the cemeteries on Memorial Day, including the cemetery at Washakie.

In addition, the Legion participates in the local 4th of July parade, present programs when requested and participate in Veterans’ Day and during other special occasions. The local post also surrounds the Malad City Cemetery on Memorial Day with U.S. flags.

15 YEARS AGO (2009)

“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” took stage at Allen Drug and Variety to capture 1st place in the Chamber of Commerce Halloween Costume contest, large business category. Prince Charming is Richard Allen and Snow White is Robyn Morley. The evil queen is Annette Hess, and Marianne Crump, is the wicked witch.  The Seven Dwarfs are Happy – Suzanne Layton, Dopey – Wendy Pope, Sleepy – Laura Jacobsen, Grumpy – Athena Boel, Sneezy – Julie Colton, Doc – Tina Bullcreek and Bashful – Linda Brown.  Daisy Hollow won in the small category, with less than five employees, with Chris Jensen as a little devil and Wendy Owens as a perfect little angel.

Elder Blake Origer has been called to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Oklahoma City Spanish speaking mission.

‘Red’ Monte Thomas was the Grand Prize winner of “An Elk Hunt of a Lifetime” in a drawing at the Malad Fire Station. The Malad Volunteer Fire Department held the contest to raise money for the unit’s retired firemen. The hunt is sponsored by Petersen Trophy Hunts, White’s Sportsman’s Ranch Fishing and Birds, and Full Curl Taxidermy.

Timothy L. Kidd, 2005 graduate of Malad High School, has the honor of being a plank owner (i.e. original ship crew members) onboard the Navy’s USS New York during commissioning ceremonies.

20 YEARS AGO (2004)

 Joyce Mizrahi found a beautiful Idaho fall day, between the recent rainstorms, to reach her life-long goal of walking the 23 miles from Holbrook to Malad. Joyce, along with Clark Madson, left Holbrook on their trek to Malad. They were accompanied by Kola Hanson for a short time. Joyce’s walk has raised almost $1,500 to be donated to the Christmas Box Angel Monument fund.

The Iron Door players are rehearsing for the Theater Guild’s production of “My Fair Lady”. Russ Miller and Susie Doying are playing Freddie and Eliza Doolittle. Jeff Richins is Colonel Higgins, Mark Alder is Colonel Pickering, Kareen Christen is Mrs. Higgins (Henry’s mother), Gary Jacobson is Alfred P. Doolittle (Eliza’s father), and Tina Bullcreek is Mrs. Pearce.

The Dragons brought home the Second Place Trophy from the Idaho State 2A Boy’s Cross Country Meet. This year’s team included Andrew Hackmeister, Trevor Price, Steve Atkinson, Jake Sorensen, J.C. Corbridge, Shae Neal, Skyler Dorius and Robin Bullcreek.

30 YEARS AGO (1994)

The Oneida County Pink Ladies are again offering a helping hand to Oneida’s Long Term Care facility. Donna Vanderwood, Ruth Thomas and Harriet Chivers presented a check to Euarda Daniels, activity director and Dianna Jeppson, director of social services, for purchase of individual Christmas gifts for the residents.

Jamie Buttars, daughter of Craig and Kay Buttars, has graduated from New Horizons Beauty School in Logan.

The top Chili Cooks in the Malad Area Chamber of Commerce Halloween Chili Cook-Off were Laurie Wright, grand champion; Kathy Selee, first place; Bonnie Bott, second place; Judy Savage, third place; Neil Martin, fourth place; Trudy McMurtrey, honorable mention. Judges for the Cook-Off were Marie Neal, D.D. ‘Toad’ Bohn and Lisa Willie.

Lisa Lewis, Malad’s Junior Miss chairperson for 1994, has been named “Chairperson of the Year” by the State Junior Miss Committee.

Did you know that nine last names make up nearly one-fourth of the student body at Malad Junior and Senior High School? A breakdown of the most common last names show the following numbers: Jones – 19; Hess – 15: Ward – 14; Tubbs – 11; Williams – 11; Thomas – 10; Price – 9; Smith – 9; Evans – 7. This totals 105 students, or approximately 21% of the student body.

40 YEARS AGO (1984)

Ralph Bennett, Music Director at Malad High School, has been named one of four Jamboree Troop Scoutmasters for the Tendoy Area Council’s 1985 National Jamboree trip to Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia.

Elder Tony Tracy, son of Ross and Mary Ann Tracy, has accepted a mission call from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He will serve an 18-month mission in the Tempe, Arizona Mission.

Malad sent four to compete in “Make It Yourself With Wool” competition. Entered in the Senior Division are Paula Atkinson, Amy Waldron and Tamber Esplin and Barbara Waldron represented Oneida County in the Adult division.

The Oneida County Farm Bureau sponsored the annual “Pumpkin Contest”, at the Malad Elementary School. Those winning prizes and placing in the contest included the following:  Kindergarten – Andy Hyer, Tallia Hess, Meagan Sperry and Dawn Swan; 1st Grade – Heidi Horsley, Melinda Willie, Kimberly Wittman and Phillip Atkinson; 2nd Grade – Tyra Burnett, Christy Starling, Jenny Hawkins and Lance John; 3rd Grade – Ryan Owens, Eric Horsley, Jolyn Leavitt and Jared Sweeten; 4th Grade – Dede Parry and Kimberly Thorpe; 5th Grade – Christy Winward, Jedd Waldron, Jenny Jensen and Chari Hyer; 6th Grade – Jesse Sweeten, Jennifer Evans, Annabel Ipsen, Katie Marble and Ann Marie Higley.

50 YEARS AGO (1974)

About 15 Malad residents, including several juveniles, and five Utah residents from the Garland-Tremonton area were involved in a fracas Friday evening that resulted in two Malad men being taken to the Oneida Hospital suffering from knife wounds.

Pictured in The Idaho Enterprise, displaying their Jack o’Lanterns made from pumpkins grown from seed provided last spring by the Oneida Farm Bureau Ladies are Staci Ekstrom for the funniest Jack o’Lantern; Diana Davis, biggest; Tim Ekstrom, scariest; Stacy Thomas, oddest and Shannon Schwartz, prettiest shape. Each received $3.00.

In the contest for those who bought their pumpkins, $1.00 prizes went to Darron Price, Burke Price, Wendy Foster, Deanne Foster and Sherrie Napier.

Judges were Estella Jones, Laura Bowen and Ida Smith. Farm Bureau Ladies chairman is Lou Williams and Pumpkin contest chairman, Andrea Parry.

Christy Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Jones, Jr. was selected a second attendant to the Ricks College Rodeo Queen.

The Duo Diode High Mu Amateur Radio Club have elected officers. Selected are Dick Thomas, president; David Jenkins, vice president; Tim Scott, secretary; Mark Jensen, net controller.

60 YEARS AGO (1964)

Retiring after 35 years in the grocery business is William H. Rutter, who sold his interest in the Millstream Grocery and Lockers to his partner, Errol Williams. Mr. Rutter started in the grocery business working for Horsley Brothers at Malad and later purchased the Millstream grocery from them. Mr. Williams, who will continue to manage the grocery, slaughterhouse, meat cutting operations and lockers, has been a partner with Mr. Rutter for 15 years.

At a senior class meeting, “Shangri-La” was chosen as the theme for the Senior Ball. Also, the students voted for Mr. Senior with finalists Terrell Harris, Don Atkinson, Doug Williams, Wayne Shepherd and Mark Grover for Mr. Senior; Joan Ward, Lynn Smith, Geri Hanson, Nancy Thorpe, Rosalind Jones, Sandy Bowen and Linda Sue Evans for Miss Seniorette.

1964 Unofficial election returns of Oneida County shows the following results: For President – Lyndon Johnson (D) 760, Barry Goldwater (R) 1111; for Congress – Ralph Harding (D) 1142, George Hansen (R) 717; for State Senator – Russ Daniels (D) 968, John D. Tovey (R) 889; for Sheriff – Ken Wharton (D) 1363, Leland Morgan (R) 497; for Assessor – Warren Thomas (D) 569, Ralph Tovey (R) 1264; for Commissioner (Dist. 1) – J. Earl Caldwell (D) 1024, Jesse R. Dredge (R) 803; for Commissioner (Dist. 3) – George Neal (D) 921, Lloyd Hubbard (R) 901.

70 YEARS AGO (1954)

Melvin Williams, who recently returned from Korea where he has been stationed with the U.S. military forces for the past ten months, arrived from Fort Lewis, Washington where he received his release.

The Chamber has plans for a “Turkey Day Trot” dance, where the Malad High School football team will be honored and twelve turkeys given away in the evening.

The Malad High School football squad moved into first place in the Idaho Gem Ten League and clinched at least a tie for the championship as they trounced Buhl, the heretofore-unbeaten league leaders by a score of 28 to 0.

The game ended Coach AJay Jones’ Dragons competition in league play this season and they finished with a strong 6-1 won and lost record.

Accidental discharge of firearms caused nine of the 16 gun casualties reported from field and camp in Idaho during the first eight weeks of the 1954 hunting season, Ross Leonard, Idaho Fish and Game director, said this week. The 16 casualties resulted in six deaths and 10 woundings, Leonard said, all occurring after the opening of the mourning dove season on
September 1.

80 YEARS AGO (1944)

The Malad airport is nearing completion and will be placed in regular service in the very near future, A. H. Hadfield, assistant chief in the Civil Aeronautics Administration at Washington stated this week. Mr. Hadfield stated that the Malad Airport would be one of the most modern fields operated by the C.A.A.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Noble, Sr., of St. John received word Saturday night stating that their son, Pvt. Calvin A. Noble, was reported missing in action in Italy since October 10. He entered the service, December 2, 1943 and landed in Italy in August 1944. He was in the infantry.

The following men left Saturday for Fort Douglas, Salt Lake City, Utah, for induction into the service: Lynn Ward, John R. Hanson, Myron P. Sorenson, Elmer V. Ward, Leonard R. Hughes, Donald T. Williams, Elden J. Reugsegger, Edward V. Price, Floyd R. Christofferson, Boyd D. Thomas and Harold O. Rudell.

Air Cadet Thomas Parry and his wife are spending a 15-day furlough at the home of their parents. Tom is stationed at the Kingman Arizona Army Air Base, and plans to leave there soon for his advanced training.

May Irene Gardner, Seaman Second Class of Malad, Idaho has completed her basic training and indoctrination course at the Naval Training School (WR), The Bronx, New York, and has received orders to report for further instruction at Milledgeville, Georgia Storekeepers school. Wave Gardner is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Gardner of Malad.

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