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Idaho Enterprise

Halloween Tricks and Treats

Back row L to R: Kathy Hubbard, Alica Bell, Lane Davis, Laura Jacobsen, Jennifer Blanchard, Donna Potter, Jennifer Lloyd, Vicky Kent, Tresie Carter, Branda Barney, Ada Campbell

While cold, windy, and a bit snowy (!), Halloween across the valley lived up to its reputation as a fun and frenetic time.  Although there were all manner of activities underway, we focused on a few in particular for this issue.

Halloween parade

There is potentially nothing more traditional than the Halloween parade of Malad Elementary students that begins at the school, winds its way down past the hospital and clinic, and then back uphill.  Was it cold?  Absolutely—it was the main topic of conversation among the adults that lined the streets, other than how adorable the kids were.  While there is no particular reason the parade route would change, given the new school’s location adjacent to the old school, it is worth noting that this is the last parade that will officially originate from the current and soon to be demolished school building.  

Spirits are not just popular costumes, but also things noted to be high among the students as they walked, jumped, skipped, and otherwise perambulated in an unwieldy line.  Ever since COVID made it unwise to directly interact with longterm care residents, the parade has remained strictly outside.  While there is something lost in the interaction, it has undoubtedly been safer for the residents of the longterm care facility, who were still  able to view the parade from the comfort of an indoor seat.

Hospital Halloween Contests

While the elementary parade did not enter the hospital or clinic, the residents were treated to a number of Halloween activities of their own.  Pumpkin decorating, costume contests, and much more were held inside the facility.

Haunted Theater

This year’s Iron Door Theater haunted house event was more ambitious than ever, with a fully decked out, multi-level series of rooms and characters ranging from the fun to frightening.  The route inside was laid out cleverly in such a way to disorientate visitors and make the space seem both larger and somehow more claustrophobic at once.  I have no shame in admitting that I love Halloween and everything that goes along with it.  In my experience, the Iron Door staff and volunteers did an amazing job putting together a top quality spook house attraction that I could have spent all day wandering around!

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