August 12, 2024 - Topics discussed and decisions made: Claims for payment and meeting minutes were approved. The water recharge agreement between Malad Valley Irrigation (MVI) & Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) was discussed. Airport Board functions and responsibilities were discussed. The communications use lease with the Racoon Radio Club was discussed. An update on the request for a stop sign and speed monitoring at 2000 N 3400 W was given. The LensLock Agreement for the Sheriff’s office body and vehicle cameras was signed. The county burn ordinance was discussed. The AirMethods memorandum of agreement (MOA) was discussed. Court facilities funds were earmarked for the courtroom remodel project. Excess county property was approved for sale on the Public Surplus site. A water truck was approved for purchase. A grant for spraying weeds was discussed. A plan for weed control at the fairgrounds was discussed. An emergency power outage plan for the courthouse was discussed. Options for enabling the county to collect funds owed were discussed. The next Town Hall topic will be Emergency Preparedness on October 30, 2024 at 7:00pm at the Event Center. The forest service lease at Deep Creek was discussed. Commissioners cancelled $25.58 in interest and penalty fees from RP0236901.
August 26, 2024 - Topics discussed and decisions made: Budget hearing took place and the budget for fiscal year 2025 was approved. Claims for payment and meeting minutes were approved. ATC phone system proposal was given. The AirMethods air ambulance memorandum of understanding was discussed. The communications use lease with the Racoon club was discussed. The Economic Development Grant was discussed and invoiced by the county. Emergency Preparedness Handouts for October’s Town Hall meeting were approved for printing. The third amendment of the development code (ordinance # 2022-08-01) was signed and is now available on the county website. The aircraft registration paperwork for the new weed spraying drone was signed and notarized. Plans for the annual insurance meeting for county employees were finalized.
Expenditures by fund:
General Fund/Current expense, $51,918.28; Road & Bridge, $552,176.07; Airport, $954.47; Ambulance, $289,231.38; District Court, $1,032.53; Fair/County, $52,385.92; Justice, $27,532.40; Parks & Rec., $2,211.71; Indigent & Charity, $800.25; Revaluation $825; Tort $2,323.20; Weeds, $88,774.23; E-911, $2,646.09; Drug Court/Specialty Court Coordinator, $229.93 --
Total - $1,073,041.46