May School Board Report

The monthly meeting of the Oneida School Board was held on Tuesday, May 14, 2024. Marie Green, a Title I aide at Malad Elementary School, was honored as the “Employee of the Month.” (See accompanying article.)
Several members of the Malad High School FCCLA chapter, along with their adviser, Shantel Tavoian, reported to the Board about their recent trip to the State FCCLA Conference. See the April 25 issue of The Idaho Enterprise for the complete story of their trip as well as honors awarded to the MHS chapter and individual chapter members. Local members qualified to go to the National FCCLA Conference, which will be the end of June in Seattle.
Administrator Reports
With the school year winding down, the district and building administrators’ reports were brief.
Superintendent Jon Abrams noted that enrollment numbers are down this month, mostly because many IHLA students quit before testing began. As Principal Megan Price confirmed, this action is typical for online schools. Mr. Abrams noted that the District is concerned about the mental health of students and staff and that Care Solace is an online source for finding appropriate mental health professionals. In his financial update, Mr. Abrams said that the $17.2 million in the construction account plus interest that will be earned on that account will be sufficient to complete construction of the new school and the ball fields.
Ms. Jeanie Reeder, Principal of Stone School, reported that interventions are being implemented for students who struggle in reading and math. She said that the school is working to have teachers provide student instruction with paraprofessionals there to support the teachers. The students went to Molly’s, the well-known café in Snowville, for ice cream with lots of toppings. The PTO honored the Stone School teachers recently.
Ms. Sarah McIntyre, Principal of Malad Elementary School, noted that this has been a crazy, busy year but with many good things happening. Test scores are above the State average in all areas but one.
Noting the absence of Mr. Bob Hannah, Principal of Malad Middle School, Mr. Abrams said that the test scores for the Middle School are consistently above the State average.
Mr. Dallin Rupp, Principal of Malad High School, reported that the long-awaited ag greenhouse will be open this weekend for the students to sell plants. The softball and baseball teams won District titles, and Malad High School will be the host school for the State Baseball Tournament being held in Pocatello. Fifteen track and field athletes went to their State meet. The changes in school athletic divisions will have little effect on Malad High School.
Mrs. Megan Price reported that IHLA is working on special education implementation and intervention as part of its school improvement plan. Over 90% of State testing is completed. IHLA recognizes that test schools are generally below State average, but teachers and administrators are working on improvement. Over 5000 students are enrolled for next year, which is on par with last year’s enrollment numbers at this time.
Action Items
The following overnight trips were approved although no funding was included:
Four students and one chaperone will attend the FFA Washington Leadership Conference in Washington, DC, on June 24-30. The students have applied for $600 scholarships from the National FFA to partially pay for the trip although they have not received word on the scholarships, yet. The cost of the trip will be $1600 per student.
Members of the Malad High School FFA will attend the Summer Outdoor Leadership Retreat (SOLR) on July 12-16. The Malad FFA Alumni will provide $400 to help cover travel costs.
The FCCLA trip to the National FCCLA in Seattle will be June 28-July 3.
The Malad High School Drill Team will attend the Epic Dance Camp in Rigby, Idaho, on June 24-26. Thirteen members of the Drill Team plus three chaperones will attend the camp.
The Board approved the MHS Handbook for 2024-2025, noting the changes in the dress code and changes in the Senior Project. The Project is to be more applicable to the student’s future career and will still require a minimum of 15 hours and a public presentation, but additional research will be required.
The Board approved the following personnel, pending their passing the State-mandated background check: Brady Price as Malad High School head football coach; Lex Smith, Marshall Martinsen, and Chet Keetch as MHS volunteer boys’ basketball coaches; Michael Williams and Austin Tubbs as Malad Middle School volunteer boys’ basketball coaches; Justin Lineberry as MHS physical education/health teacher; Ashley Houlihan as a school psychologist; and four special education teachers and one substitute teacher for IHLA. It was noted that Natalie Reiss had resigned as a kindergarten teacher.
A work session will be held in conjunction with the next monthly Board meeting on June 25. Topics to be discussed include the problem of cell phone use in classrooms, goals related to student achievement, and the ongoing problem of attendance. There will be a quarterly report next year about the goals. The work session and Board training will be held prior to the June meeting. The budget hearing will also be held at that time.