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Idaho Enterprise

Letters to the Editor

What are Gem State Conservatives?

Dear Editor,


Allow us to introduce Gem State Conservatives and what we stand for.


We are Republicans from all 44 counties in Idaho.  Many of us built the Idaho GOP over decades.  We receive no funding or support from out-of-state organizations.

Our objective is restoring integrity to our party. Our focus is principally these areas:

(1) Trusting the voters: Pulling power to party insiders is the wrong direction.  We believe our nominees are answerable to all Republicans, not just a select few.

(2) We need a “big tent” Republican Party: Ronald Reagan believed those with whom we agree 80% of the time are allies, not enemies. We reject efforts to purge the party of all who don't agree with party leaders 100% of the time.

 (3) We value Republican women and youth. The decision stripping voting rights on the GOP Executive Committee from the Idaho Republican Women’s Federation, College Republicans and Young Republicans is short-sighted and must be reversed.

What do Gem State Conservatives do?  We help candidates who agree on these principles.  Our goal: return the GOP to its rightful owners, the Republican voters of Idaho.




Tom Luna and Trent Clark

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