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Idaho Enterprise

Looking Back

15 YEARS AGO (2009) Robbie Dorius has been selected by the Ernest W. Jones American Legion Post #65 to be a delegate to the American Legion Gem Boys State, slated for June 7 – 13 at the Northwest Nazarene University in Napa. The Malad High School Junior is the son of Ed and Mary Dorius.

5 YEARS AGO (2019)

Hannah Bird was named Malad's Distinguished Young Woman for 2020 Saturday night, May 4, at the annual Distinguished Young Women's Scholarship Program (DYW). First Alternate was Hallee Kimberling, Second Alternate was Stephie Briggs, Third Alternate was Jenna Peterson and JaNae Daniels was voted as Spirit of Distinguished Young Women.

Jenny Hawkins, an assistant professor at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University, was recently awarded two spring faculty awards. President Barbara Snyder, Provost Ben Vinson and Dean Manoj K. Malhotra surprised Jenny on Friday, April 26, with a visit to her classroom to award her two prestigious honors: the Wittke Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and the Jackson Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Mentoring. Never in the history of CWRU has a faculty member won both awards in the same year!

Randy McKay and Wendi Bishop, employees of Nucor Steel, were at the Malad School Auditorium on Thursday, May 2, to present $5,000 worth of scholarships to teachers at Malad Public Schools.

The employees indicated that these scholarships are not provided by the corporation but are from the employees of Nucor Steel. They support all the school districts in their company's area in Utah and Idaho.

Three local Scouts, Gabe Hooste, Jack Jensen and Brycen Talbot recently returned from a camping and fishing trip in soda Springs with a cooler full of fish fillets!

Gabe caught the first fish and finished with two, Jack caught the most fish and finished with three, and Brycen caught the largest fish (7.4 lbs vs. 7.3 lbs) and finished with two.

The Scouts had a great time camping, fishing, and exploring the area and finished the trip by watching "Avengers: Endgame" at the local theater in Soda.

10 YEARS AGO (2014)

On May 3, 2014, Bryn Haycock will pass the title of Malad’s Distinguished Young Woman of the Year (DYW) to one of 12 participants from the junior class of Malad High School.

Former Malad City Postmaster Bradley David Hunter should consider himself a lucky man, even though he has been incarcerated since January 9, and is headed into at least one more year of incarceration plus years of probation. And that’s if he does well. If not, he’ll be required to serve two years fixed and three years indeterminate with the Idaho Department of Corrections.

The MHS Music students who took the opportunity to compete in the recent solo/ensemble festival for the Fifth District include the following: Tru Peabody, Melissa Ramos, Ashley Rosenhoover, Parker Steed, Carson McClain, William Thomas, Jaxcia Hess, KayLee Teeples, Chayce Rohweder, Josh Stayner and Jacob Tubbs.

Troop 456 recently held a Court of Honor where Carson McClain received his Eagle and over 50 merit badges. Over a dozen rank advancements were awarded. Pictured in The Idaho Enterprise are the following Troop members: Chandler Speck, Clayton Howard, Jakob Heyder, Fielding Steed, Dallin Ward, Walker Olsen, Hyrum Smith, Makiah Knutter, Tanner Olsen, Conner McClain, Steven Smith, Bracken Willie, Drew Heyder, Spencer Ward, Karl Pedersen, Rowdy Barnes and
Carson McClain.

15 YEARS AGO (2009)

 The Malad Classic Car Show, sponsored by the Malad Area Chamber of Commerce, will be moving back to Main Street this year with many new aspects being added to the show. 

Robbie T. Dorius has been selected by the Ernest W. Jones American Legion Post #65 to be a delegate to the American Legion Gem Boys State, slated for June 7-13 at the Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa. 

Sid E. Lewis and Andrea D. Parry, of Malad, are two of 35 adult Scouters recognized by the Grand Teton Council with the prestigious Silver Beaver Award. 

Two Malad District Scouters and one community servant were honored with special awards at the Malad District Recognition Dinner April 8. Recipients of this year’s District Award of Merit were Gaylen Garrett and Sharon Harris, while Gene Edwards was given the “Hero in the Community” award.

The Ernest W. Jones American Legion Post 65 elected new officers for the 2009-2010 year. Rick Madsen, Commander and Sergeant-at-Arms; Dennis Thomas, first Vice Commander; Stephanie Mason, second Vice Commander; Gene Caldwell, Post Service Officer, Earl Gillies, Chaplain, John Wight, Historian; Bill Moss, Judge Advocate and Ken Tracy, Adjutant.

25 YEARS AGO (1999)

Eleven Junior participants will be on stage May 8 at the Malad Elementary Auditorium in the 18th annual Malad Junior Miss Program. Each will be judged in panel evaluation, creative and performing arts, scholastic achievement, fitness and presence and composure. This year’s program, entitled “Heroes Among Us,” will be emceed by Malad’s 1983 Junior Miss, Kristi Hyer Berryhill and Malad’s 1985 Junior Miss, Lara Knutsen Holt. Participants are: Candis Atkinson, Kristen Barker, Brenda Forbush, Bethany Hess, Krischell Hess, Shirlee Jones, Marianne Kent, Mandy Seamons, Camille Stayner, Melissa Tubbs and Wendy Willie.

Lynn Jones and Cathy Asay were honored at the Silver Sage Girl Scout Council Annual Meeting held in McCall, Idaho. Lynn received the Honor Pin, second highest award given by the council. Cathy received the Appreciation Pin for outstanding service to at least one service unit and that contributes to the council’s goals and objectives.

A Ribbon Cutting ceremony officially opened the new grocery store, Thomas Market on April 21. Following tradition, first to cross the threshold of the new Thomas Market was Harriet Chivers and Nell Hess. Harriet was the first customer in Stan’s IGA when it opened in 1961 and Nell wasn’t far behind. In the interest of tradition the Thomas family invited them to again be the first ones in. During the Ribbon Cutting, the Thomas family unveiled the unique carving that will face the front of the store. Carved by Don Sipe from Jackson Hole, Wyoming, it is the trunk of a tree that stood in the rear of the Andersen/James residence for 125 years. The Thomas family says it is a tribute to Lurline Andersen James Budge, who spent her life on the property, raising beautiful flowers and trees – and a good family. “Now they will be a part of history on South Main,” Dennis Thomas said. The house was moved to St. John and is now the home to Diane and Lee Hogan.

35 YEARS AGO (1989)

Continuing a tradition started a year ago by the Oneida County/Malad City Economic Development Committee, this year’s “Volunteer of the Year” has been named. Several different organizations submitted names to the Economic Development Committee and then a decision was made naming Hubert Gleed as this year’s recipient. A plaque will be presented to Mr. Gleed at the annual Junior Miss Program on April 30.

Thirteen Junior girls at Malad High School are preparing for the 1994 Malad Junior Miss Program slated for April 30. The annual scholarship competition will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Malad Elementary Auditorium. The theme for this year’s program is “Western Daze.” Emcees will be J.D. and Sherrie Thomas. The participants are Kara Barker, Beverly Bott, Allison Buehler, Tyra Burnett, Cortney Dives, Elizabeth Ann Evans, Wendy Goodrich, Jenny Hawkins, Jenifer Hess, LaRane Jensen, Quinette Smith, Christina Tubbs and Angie Willie.

Thirty-five Oneida County youth have completed a gun safety course, taught by volunteer instructor Ray Clark and assistant instructor Con Christoffersen. The course is offered as a service to the community about four times a year.

45 YEARS AGO (1979)

Complete with powder blue caps and gowns topped with “Class of 79” tassels, eighteen scholars participated in Adult Education Commencement Exercises held at the Malad School Auditorium Friday evening. Receiving certificates of completion for the adult education course offered here through Idaho State University during the winter were Kathleen Allen, Jan Nieffenegger, Julie N. Hess, LouAnn Thomas, Carol Anna Jones, Cindy Head, Colleen Nieffenegger, Judy Burleigh, Leisa Smith, Connie Baker, Stacey Schwartz, Karen Christensen, Geraldine Tovey, Peggy Smith, Tonya Thorpe and Connie Lewis. Also receiving certificates of course completion but not participating in the ceremonies were Ilene Williams, Tami Williams, Vanessa Thomson and Mark Wakley.

Ceylon Reeder recently joined the Oneida County Sheriff’s Department as deputy under the CETA program. He replaces CETA trainee deputy Ronley Jones who moved to a permanent spot on the force about a month ago.

Three Malad Little League wrestlers have qualified to enter the regional national finals being held at Kelso, Washington June 23rd. They are Idaho Champion, Tracy Forbush, who defeated seven other 9-10 year old wrestler during the State Tourney at Idaho Falls last week; David Porter, 11-12; Troy Peabody, 13-14, who captured third places at the Idaho meet. 

55 YEARS AGO (1969)

Corporal Fredick Dennis Thomas received an official Certificate of Recognition and a trophy at Fort Ord, California for distinguishing himself and achieving the highest score on automatic rifle qualification firing in Advanced Infantry Training while a member of company D, 2nd Battalion, Second AIT Brigade.

Mrs. Varsel (Pat) Christophersen won the grand award trophy at the all-school hair styling contest held at Hollywood Beauty College, Salt Lake City, this month. Foundation of the unusual hair style on her model, Mrs. Farrell (Thelma) Daniels was a fan effect in the back with soft curls on top and the hair flipped at the sides to form the popular diamond effect. Mrs. Christophersen has been attending the Hollywood Beauty College at Logan and plans to complete her training in June.

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