Candidate Profile—John Christophersen

John V Christophersen is running for Oneida County Sheriff with over 12 years of combined law enforcement experience. John believes that every resident in Oneida county needs to see patrol cars in their area and that there needs to be county-wide inclusion. He believes that it is the duty of the Sheriff's office to serve and protect our community with integrity and respect for all.
John is Post certified from two Idaho Post Academies, with training in traffic law, accident investigation, death investigation, crime scene investigation, sex crimes interview & investigation, drug recognition and DUl training, & is firearm certified. He is knowledgeable in city and county code, fence laws, brand laws, and county budget process.
John was a volunteer EMT for the Oneida County Ambulance for 12 years, serving as president for 2 years. He was instrumental in the process that allowed the ambulance to be taken off tax levy. He played an instrumental role in the acquisition of the county's first extrication vehicle. John also wrote the grant for the new ambulance purchase. He established a reciprocity agreement with Box Elder Co, Snowville Ambulance to respond into Idaho, giving Curlew Valley, 1-84 & Juniper quicker response times to emergencies.
John was born and raised in the Malad Valley. He grew up working on the family farm, where he learned the value of manual labor and work ethic. John has been a farm owner since 1990.
John owned & operated a successful trucking business for 7 years, but made the decision to sell to enable him to be home with his family and attend high school rodeos and sporting events for his daughter.
John is married to Kristi Christophersen.