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Idaho Enterprise

Grandparents Only

Nov 16, 2023 02:11PM ● By Gramma Dot

We are going to talk perks of small-town life, specifically Malad-life.  This morning I had a great breakfast. I have been on a smoothie kick lately, but this morning I wanted anything but a smoothie.  It had been too much of a good thing.  So, I popped a couple pieces of bread in the toaster, fried an egg and started rummaging through the fridge to see what else I could find.  I got the OJ and right there behind the orange carton was a pint of Jay Baker’s choke-cherry jelly which I had forgotten we had.

About a month ago, Brent went to Thomas’ to grab some groceries and there was Jay in the parking lot asking people if they would like a jar of his jelly.  Gratefully, Brent said yes.  When I was a kid choke-cherry jelly was a mainstay at the Thorpe household.  You could always depend on mom’s homemade bread and choke-cherry jelly to get you started on the right foot each morning.  The cracked wheat was not a big draw as far as I was concerned but topping it off with toast and jelly put a smile on my face at the beginning of each day.

So, why in the world was our 90+ year-old Jay passing out the jelly at Thomas Market?  The next day at church we asked his son, Dave, what brought it all about.  Seems Jay has his own choke-cherry bush, and he did not want those choke-cherries to go to waste.  He wasn’t sure what to do with them, but he knew his neighbor Helen Ravsten could help.  Sure enough, Helen came through and together they turned the fruit into jelly.  Most people would carry the filled jars to the fruit room and feel good about the coming winter, but not Jay.  He wanted to share the wealth!

That is what makes life so good here in the valley.  Neighbors helping.  Friends sharing.  Cesar Chavez said, “If you really want to make a friend, go to someone’s house and eat with him…the people who give you their food give you their heart.”  I think that works just as well from a small-town parking lot.  Thanks Jay and Helen for sharing your hearts…and your jelly!  Life is Good!

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