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Idaho Enterprise

Easter Sunrise Service

Carrie Jensen, Emily Rossow, and Pennie Wolf performed "I know that my redeemer lives" at the Sunrise Service

The sun peeked over the mountains right at 7:30 a.m., welcoming a large crowd to the Easter Sunrise Service presented by the Oneida County Interfaith Council.  The program was held on Easter Sunday, April 9, at the pavilion at Malad City Park.

After the welcome by Pastor Jack Harwell and the opening congregational prayer led by Toni Werk, the congregation sang “In the Garden.” Scripture readings were presented by Maieli Murray, Ron Spomer, and Pastor Jack Harwell.  Special musical numbers were performed by Brian and Anita Jeppsen; Emily Rossow, Carrie Jensen, and Pennie Wolf; and Drew Pettis accompanied by Helen Ward on keyboard and Lamona Bennett on violin. An inspirational message was given by Brandon Ward of the Malad Stake Presidency, and an informational reading was presented by Toni Werk of the First Presbyterian Church on “Why Did Jesus Fold the Napkin?” Jennifer Giddings read an original Easter poem. The program concluded with the Malad Valley Men’s Welsh Chorus singing “Christ, the Lord, Is Risen Today.”

Following the service, everyone was invited to a potluck breakfast at the Victory Baptist Church.

According to Edna Palmer, the Easter Sunrise Service has been a traditional gathering of the Malad Presbyterian Church since the 1890s with services held on Two Mile Road or at the Malad City Cemetery. Since 2012 the Oneida County Interfaith Council has presented the community Easter Sunrise Service.

The Co-Moderators of the Interfaith Council are Pastor Jack Harwell and Toni Werk, the Secretary is Callie Robbins, and Co-Treasurers are Lorraine Neal and Jack Harwell.

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