Walk for Awareness, Prevention and Remembrance!

The Walk for Awareness and Prevention will take place this year on September 3 at Malad High School.
On Tuesday, September 3, Nell J. Redfield Memorial Hospital and the Malad City/Oneida County Mental Health Committee would like to invite all members of our community to Walk for Awareness and Prevention of mental health and suicide issues, and to Walk for Remembrance of those who have died by suicide or other issues related to mental health.
The evening will begin at Malad High School at 6:00 p.m. where information booths will be provided in the high school gymnasium by Labyrinth Assessment & Behavioral Services, Malad City, MentallyFitU365, Oneida School District Counseling Departments, Nell J. Redfield Memorial Hospital, Oneida County Extension Office, Oneida County Library, Oneida County Senior Citizens Center, Oneida Crisis Center, Southeast Idaho Council of Governments (SICOG), Southeastern Idaho Public Health, The Village, and Valley View Counseling. The booths will provide information on what help is available locally for awareness of mental health issues and prevention of suicidal thoughts and actions, as well as support for those who have been affected by these issues. Additionally, there will be a scavenger hunt and prizes; participants will find the items for the scavenger hunt from the information booths
From 6:00 to 6:45, Walking Tacos will be provided by the Malad High School Culinary and FCCLA students under the direction of Shantel Tavoian, on a first come, first served basis. The information booths will also be available at this time to visit.
At 7:00 p.m. a short program will be provided, and at 7:15 an awareness walk will be held from the high school to the Million Broken Hearts Memorial located in the Malad City Cemetery. Please bring an umbrella if it looks like rain!
September is National Suicide Prevention Month. As some mental health issues lead to suicide, it was decided that an awareness walk for both issues would be a way to help provide information, awareness of the stigma of mental health, and support for those in our community that either struggle with mental health/suicidal issues, or who have been impacted by a loved one’s death by suicide or mental health issues.
The awareness walk was started by Nell J. Redfield Memorial Hospital in partnership with community organizations in 2017 in remembrance of Troy Estep who worked for the hospital. Troy passed away in 2016. Troy’s wife, Julie, also works for the hospital and wanted to start an annual event.
to raise awareness for mental health and suicide. Julie worked with hospital staff to start an event that would bring the community together for awareness, prevention and remembrance.
Mental health/suicidal issues are no respecter of persons. Lady Gaga, who has spoken publicly about her mental health issues, said, “I learned that my sadness never destroyed what was great about me. You just have to go back to that greatness, find that one little light that’s left. I’m lucky I found one little glimmer stored away.” Perhaps that little glimmer might be found in a friend who understands and can provide love and support.