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Idaho Enterprise

Oneida Quilt Guild – May 2024

JoLynn John showing her finished quilt

Jill Vanderwood

Our quilt guild received a thank you note for participation in the annal Evening of the Arts—for the Nell Redfield Memorial Hospital in Malad.

Esther sent around a Get Well Soon card for us to sign for Helen, who had surgery for breast cancer.

Tammy demonstrated a running stitch for tying quilts. This is a stitch made similar to a regular hand quilting stitch. The difference is that you use a large needle, and crochet string. So your stitches are much larger than you would normally use in quilting.

The classes for the months of June, September and November still need instructors if anyone can volunteer.

June—Paper Piecing


November---Art quilting—it was explained as anything weird

The quilt show will be the last weekend of June on a Friday and Saturday. It will be held at the Co-op, and we need volunteers to come on Thursday to clean the building and set up for quilt show and the raffle quilt. You can sign up to help during our June meeting.

A question was asked: Where can we find labels for quilts? 

The answer: You can find personalized labels on Etsy. Cindy showed us how to make our own labels. “You take a square of fabric and fold it in half. Sew it into the corner of your quilt as you add your binding.” She suggested that we write our information on the corner triangle with a Pigma pen, “this type of pen doesn’t bleed when the quilt is washed. If you use a Pigma pen, be sure to iron the ink so it will set.”

We had a show and tell by Esther, Rosie, Athena, Christine, Nyla, JoLynn, Debbie, Jill, Kristy, Tammy, Cindy, and Tracy.

Debbie Schoolcraft demonstrated A flying Dutchman quilt block. This is made with four flying geese.

There are several types of rulers that work well for this block. Debbie recommended the Fit for Geese ruler.

Debbie recommended increasing our squares by ¼ and then trimming them down. She said it goes a lot faster and you won’t lose your point. We will need 2 blocks at 7 1/2" each with 4 coordinating 4" squares for each large block

Debbie likes the saying, “Finished is better than perfect!” and suggested, “if we need to rip out a seam more than twice, that will weaken the fabric. At that point, you should start the block over fresh.” 

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