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Apr 16, 2024 12:08PM ● By Gramma Dot

According to Jenna Bush Hagar, former President George W. Bush gets Laura Bush her cup of coffee, just the way she likes it, every morning.  I think that is so nice, it’s the little things that really matter.  And speaking of little things, there was an article on HuffPost this last week entitled Doing This 1 Simple—But Unexpected—Thing While Taking a Walk Could Improve Your Health.  I’m not sure I believe it, but maybe so…

The trick is to experience awe.  Dacher Keltner, a professor of psychology at UC Berkeley and the director of the Greater Good Science Center, has spent the last two decades studying “awe.”  He says experiencing it can positively affect our bodies, our relationships and how we interact with the world around us.  “One region of the brain is deactivated (when we experience awe) – the default mode network.  That is where all the self-representational processes take place:  I’m thinking about myself, my time, my goals, my strivings, my checklist.  That quiets down during awe.”  He goes on to explain how the immune system is boosted, heart rate and digestion slow down and basically our bodies are opened to things bigger than we are.  

Keltner suggests taking an “awe walk.”  His team set up a research study where people 75 years old or older were instructed to take an “awe walk” once a week.  The only instruction given was “to go someplace where you might feel a little child-like wonder and look around – look at the small things and look at the big things and just follow that sense of mystery and wonder.”  That was it.   And the results
were amazing.

Over the eight-week period of the study, the “awe walk” group started to feel less pain and distress.  Scientists documented what Keltner calls “the disappearance of the self.”  They didn’t think so much about themselves and became more interested in the vaster scene.  He went on to say experiencing awe, acts as an antidote to narcissism and much more.  The article identified several awe experiences such as examining a flower, appreciating a sunset, listening to music, witnessing the kindness or goodness or generosity of other people, seeing art and contemplating big ideas, all of which can happen on an “awe walk.”  

As I contemplated this big (or maybe small and simple) idea, I thought of recognizing miracles.  Seems each of these experiences are miracles happening right around us.  We just need to take the time to see it.  So, appreciate a good cup of coffee or a smoothie when you start your day.  Then get out there on an “awe walk.”  Good Lives are all about recognizing the Good Life you have!  Now isn’t that awesome!

HuffPost, Doing This 1 Simple – But Unexpected – Thing While Taking a Walk Could Improve Your Health, Raj Punjabi and
Noah Michelson 

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