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Idaho Enterprise

Evening of the Arts is scheduled for the first of April

The Quilters Guild will be displaying a number of skilled creations at this year’s Evening of the Arts.

The 11th annual Evening of the Arts, hosted by the Nell J. Redfield Memorial Hospital Foundation, will be on Thursday, April 4, from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. at the Event Center at the Fairgrounds.  This event has two major purposes:  to provide a venue for some of Oneida County’s exceptional artists to display their works and to raise funds to benefit the
local Hospital.

The Evening of the Arts strives to highlight different artists each year.  Acting upon a suggestion from Shara Olsen last year, the Hospital Foundation invited the Oneida Quilters to exhibit some of their members’ exquisite quilts that are more than bed covers; they are works of art. Some of the quilts are wall hangings while others may be displayed on racks in their owners’ homes. The Oneida Quilters holds monthly meetings where over 30 members gather to display their latest works, teach techniques, and share ideas.  The Oneida Quilters began nearly 40 years ago and now includes members from Northern Utah, Marsh Valley as well as throughout Oneida County. The Oneida Quilters hosts their annual Quilt Show and Bake Sale during the Malad Valley Welsh Festival on the last weekend of June. 

The other featured artists this year will be Allison Eliason (photography), Chesley Lewis (woodworking), Jerry Camp (oil painting), and Shelby Gunter Blackner (watercolor).  Future articles in the Idaho Enterprise will introduce these talented individuals.

The art students of Dianne Adams will display their watercolor works. Art created by the 4th and 5th graders of Malad Elementary School and the art students of Malad Middle and High Schools will also be displayed.  The Malad High School culinary arts students will prepare popcorn treats, and Malad High School’s Chamber Choir will perform during
the evening.

To celebrate spring, the Peeps dioramas designed by several departments at the Hospital will be on display.  Come and see what people can create with marshmallow chicks
and bunnies!

Admission to the Evening of the Arts is free, but everyone is invited to purchase gifts for themselves or others during the live and silent auctions of gift baskets and artwork. Tickets to events, restaurant coupons, gardening supplies, afghans, car accessories, toys, housewares, clothing, and all kinds of unique, beautiful and practical items will be auctioned at the event.  All proceeds go toward renovating patient rooms and purchasing new equipment for the Hospital.

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