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Idaho Enterprise

Looking Back

30 YEARS AGO (1993) SITTING ON SANTA'S KNEE is 3-year-old Rachel Ann Morrison, who told him she wants a castle for Christmas. Scores of Malad children told their Christmas wishes to Santa last Saturday when the Chamber of commerce brought the Jolly Old Elf to town.

Letters to Santa Claus from the past:


Dear Santa:

Appalooseh with western saddle. 

Love, Bill

Dear Santa;

Please Alvin the Aardvark and Fuzzy Pumper pet Shop, Big Bird.

Love, Ernest

Dear Santa;

Lense bring Red dol trik.

Love, Jodie

Dear Santa,

Please bring me Race trak can you Do you hav fun ridi in the side.


Dear Santa;

Thank you for what you gave me last year. Please bring me a roller skates doll McDonald six recrd

Heather Hansen

Dear Santa;

Thank you for what you gave me last year Please bring roller skates Ronald McDonald cheer leader suit white dress blac orange

Jenifer Evans

Dear Santa;

Thank you for what you gave me last year. I am going please bring me a roller skates radio bear Rananld McDonld Evil Kiveval doll Rash too Dand krd high chair buggy

Michele Ann Smith

Dear Santa;

Thank you for what gave me last year please bring me an alarm clock remote control car.

Justin Swartz

Dear Santa;

Thank you for what you gave me last year. Please bring me a remote controller mean green machine Steve Austin racetrack.

Rodney Jason Tubbs

Dear Santa;

I want a Doll, dish, I have been a good girl. I want some games. I want so color boaks.

With love, 

Sue Daun Clark

Dear Santa;

Race track. Ridge riders race car. I have been a good boy. I go to school. I am 6 years. I like schoal.

Love, Shawn Clark.

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the things you givd me lashst yier. Will you please breg me sum toys and sum clothes and red jacket and sweater and pants, girls sleeping bag, animal, bean bags, hair style set, twister, baby doll with baby things. My brther wants a racetrack will you breg him it.

Your friend,

Linda Harrison

Dear Santa,

I want a pees of peperronee I want a pet radel snak to, and I want a bibe gun and a pellet gun to. And I want a citeecat.

Love, Brian Scott Evans

Dear Santa,

Please bring me a barbydoll, and a paperdoll. I will make you some cokes and milk. My sister Christina would like a doll and my brother Jason woud like a truck.

Your friend, 

Shawna Tubbs

Dear Santa,

Please bring me a Nite Glow race track. Thank You, Pease bring my little brother a cattle truck.

Your friend, 

Todd Thomas

Dear Santa,

Please bring me a water bed and will you bring Ava a pink zircon ring and will you bring my dad a truck.

Your friend,

Doug Williams

Dear Santa Cluas,

Heres what I want. A Barbie quick curl. A wonder women costume. A black doll. I realy don’t care what you give me. I love you.


Dear Santa,

Will you bring me an 8 wheel trac tor and disc, stay alive game, tonka jeep and changeable tires and R2D2 and pajamas. Thank You. I will give you crkees and milk. I like you. Do you like me?

Your friend, 

Heath W. Peterson

Dear Santa,

I hope you will bring me a race trask and an off road adventure buggy and a BB gun. Haw are you. are you gud? I lkie you. Do you ikie me? But will you bring me the things I ask for? Thak you. I will bring yua coukes on the T.V.

Your friend,

Jerry Goddard

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the sleepingbag can I have a pocketknife we will put sum cookes on the table. Can I have sum snowmobill boots and can I have a snow soot and can I have sum snowmbills.

Your friend, 

Scott Mills

Dear Santa,

Please bring me a rasing bike and I want a narf football. Please bring me rasing track and some mach boxes. Please bring me a raising trater and I want a rasing car. Please bring me a stuff animal tiger.

Your friend,

Brooks Tovey

Dear Santa;

My family could really use some new frontroom furniture. I sure they would appreciate it. Do you think they could also do something about the new high school. I really do want a new one. I think that something ought to be done about the hostages in Iran. Iran could let the hostages go before Christmas at least. Thank You!

Love, Lisa Barber

P.S. Do you think you could bring me a tape recorder please!

Dear Santa;

Could you bring food for all the people who don’t have any. If you could make the world stop fighting that would be nice too. Bring my family what they need and a few toys too. If you would. Could you do something about the new school. I really want one.

Your friend, 

Cherie Weeks

Dear Santa,

We need a new high school her in Malad all we need is the money. Over in Iran the people have been taken hostage. I wish they were set free and I wish they would send the Shaw back that would help and I wish that there wasn’t so much fighting like the taking of the American embecies.

You fan, Don

Dear Santa,

What I want for Christmas for my family is happiness between all of us. To have a happy and peaceful Christmas. I would like the New High to be built soon. Also new playground and sports equipment for the school. For my county I would like all our problems to be solved and that the Iranians will let the hostages go and the world will be at peace.

You fan,

Marc Pett

Dear Santa,

Please bring me and my family some snowmobiles. My family also wants a new couch that folds out into a bed but the thing we really want is to be able to go on a trip to Mexico. Please send a new gym for the elementary school, so we can have P.E. during the winter. Also bring a new mayor to help this town so we can have better things in Malad. I especially want a new president for the world so we can have peace and also figure out a way to get the American hostages out of Iran.

Yours truly,

Kory South

Dear Santa,

I wont a new football and a new road grader and a new bike and some new closes. I love you very much and your wife. I wich you could stay up and see you when you come to my house. I will put something for you to eat on are table for you. Has your helpers ben doing good if thay have I will send a big toy for them. 

Chad Hildreth

Dear Santa,

I want a B.B. gun and some B. Bies. And I want a race car set. I like the stuff that you gave me last year. I hope you give me what I want this year.

Chad Barber

Dear Santa,

I bine fine how are you. I won’t git very mush prezints from my mom and day becuyse they are broke. I will git one prezint from them but I wont feel bad becuze I will git some from my grandma and grandpa. I wish I could see Roodof. Is the other raandeer still lafing at him. Will you bring me sum toys. I want a new trampoline and sume barbby close for my barbby. I vine good we got our crismus tree up on Dec 10. I helped deakerat it. Wene you cume you can see it. I will try to make you something.


Chantel Shepherd.

Dear Santa,

Thanks a lot for the toys last year. This year I only want one thing. That is a Bee-bee gun. My mother doesn’t want me to have one, but my dad says yes I should have one.

Love, Dustin Smith


Dear Santa,

Thank you for the thengs that you gave me last year and the year before that this year I want a star wars x-wing fighter and a star bird command space ship and please come and vist owr room numer 11.

You friend,

Brian Jacobson

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the things you gave me last year. Please will you give me Wonder Women Fashion Plates. Hunry Hunry Hippos. I will leave you some milk and coiekes. And will you bring me a bike.

Your friend, 

Amy Hawkins

Dear Santa,

I want a race set. I love you Derrar. How are your reindeer.

Rodney Neal Moon

Dear Santa, 

I would like a baby doll bed. And a truck for my baby brother Tim. I have been good this year.

Mindy Moon

Dear Santa,

I love you Santa. May I have a train set, a diesel truck, a big red wagon and a bicycle.

Love, Dallas.

Dear Santa,

I would really like to have a watch for Christmas. I’d also like some cloths and some games. I would really like to see the hostages home for Christmas.

Yours truly,

Sherrie Napier

Dear Santa,

You have been good to me every year. I have never been disipointed. This year, if possible, I would like boys, books and clothes. If you can’t get me any, get me something.

Yours truly,

Heather Ward

Dear Santa,

I hope that when I wake up Christmas morning I will find under our Christmas tree a digital clock radio and if I have been good enough, new clothes,

Truly, Paula Madsen

Dear Santa,

Please bring our friend Mark Colton a Sherman tank to park on bannock street.

The emptyprize gang.

Dear Santa,

I will have a gootball.

Luve Clinton

Dear Santa,

I love you Santa Claus. What I want for Dolly Pops surprise.

Love, Kirstine

Dear Santa claus

How have you been? I am fine. I want a snow speeder and a melinium faulken. I want to more race cars for my race track.

Your friend,

Chad Hess

Dear Santa,

At Christmas there will be some cookeis on the table. I’ve been good, well not very good but good a enough. Merry Christmas.

Love, Doug

Dear Santa,

I would like an electronic football and a stomper 4x4. You may bring what ever else you would think I would like. Please bring my mom and dad something.

Sincerely, Blair Palmer

Dear Santa,

I don’t know what I want for Christmas. I just want a surprise. Relly I don’t care what I get. I don’t have anymore to say.


Stephanie Ward

Dear Santa

I want a camra and type recorder and a water bed and a trampaleen. How did you like the summer? I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. I like my school tacher he is very very nice. I have been waiting for Chrismas sense last Cristmas. I have a friend in Big Piney and he name is Melissa. She likes Cristmas. I have had a very good summer. I have lived in Malad all my life and I have nice friends. We have a Cristmas tree in our class room but it not very big. I have bee a very good girl.

Yours friend,

Marla Nielsen

Dear Santa,

I hope your up to giving the toys away this year. This year I think all get a peace of coal. But if I do get toys I want a tape recoder and some tapes. I wont have some skate pads. And a helmet for my skates. Don’t forget my things or I’ll sock you in the nose. And I want a pony.


Shannon Daniels.1979

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