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4-H Awards dinner recognizes youth accomplishments

Samantha Schrenk receives her jacket and congratulations from Kelly Sorensen and Lacey Clark.

In the past, 4-H has given out awards during the course of the Fair, which is often a hectic and busy time for everyone involved.  This year, they elected to present awards to 4-H participants in the more relaxed setting of a dinner, allowing the leaders to congratulate their members and speak about their experiences.

A taco bar was set up to feed the more than a hundred guests who turned out for the event, with food provided by Thomas Market and the local food bank.  

“Thanks everyone for coming—this is an amazing tournout!  We did not expect nearly this many people, and the meat is gone, the tortillas are gone, so I’m sorry that there are no seconds.  And we’ll plan a little bit better next year.”

For the first half of the evening’s program, each club’s leader presented awards to their club members, recognizing them for their achievements and special contributions over the course of the season. 

The clubs are led by volunteers, who devote their time, experience, and care to make sure that the participants have the support and knowledge they need to complete their 4-H projects and compete in events.

The Woolly Wranglers, headed by Alaina Schrenk, gave out a number of awards recognizing improvement over the year, willingness to help out others, endurance under adversity, and many others.

Kelly Sorensen recognized the Cloverbuds Club, many of whom are about to graduate into 4-H.  Cloverbuds is for kids ages 5-7 who are not old enough for 4-H.  When they turn eight, they can join 4-H.  There were 27 Cloverbuds this year. “It’s a lot of 5 to 7 year olds, and a whole lot of chaos!” Sorensen said.  Certificates of graduation from Cloverbuds were given to Kallie Nimer, Wynn Werk,  Ellie Waldron, Shelby Sorensen, Austin Schrenk, Brookell Nimer, Austin Moss, Brooke Hubbard, Adi Daniels, Adelyn Clark, Liberty Charles, Aaryah Bywater, Kyler Blaisdell, Audrey Blaisdell, Cache Lake.  “We’re excited to see what 4-H turns into.”

Callie Werk awarded individual awards to her Chicken Clucks club.  “This is kind of a new club, so we’re super thankful to Callie for getting this going,” Sawyer Fonnesbeck said. Werk explained, “This is my second year as the leader of Chicken Clucks, and it’s a great way to get into 4-H.”  She noted that the program was growing, and they hope to keep making it bigger in the future.

The  “Beefin it up” club was headed Ginger Davis and Allison Eliason, who recognized the work of the club as a whole.  “Congrats and good work to all the kids in our club!” Eliason said. 

Wendy Thomas presented a gift of recognition to the thirteen kids who participated in the Dairy Goat club.  “We had a really good turn out, more kids than last year.  I’m glad to see that it appears to be growing,” she said.  “It isn’t the easiest project after all, and it takes a family.”

Adam Carter recognized members of the newly revitalized Working Ranch Horse, which has been absent from the county for several years.

Kelly Sorensen gave out a number of individual awards to the horse clubs.  “Horse Cub is something I’m truly passionate about. All these kids worked really, really hard and deserve the recognition.”  

Tresie Carter recognized members of the When Pigs Fly Market Swine club.  The Curlew Rockets, and Third Year Crochet clubs were recognized by Mandi Hess, the Wildlife Club by Lacey Clark, and the Sheep Club by Ron Panting.

The Extension Office and 4-H program in Oneida County chose to award a special award to the 4-H Leader of the Year.  As Fonnesbeck stated, “We cannot do this without our 4-H volunteers.  I’ve asked Commissioner Bill Lewis if he would help present this award.”  County Commission Chairman Bill Lewis is the commissioner assigned to the extension office and 4-H, and presented the award to Laura DeJong.  Fonnesbeck stated, “This is a leader who has been amazing, and has been a leader for a long time.  She has been teaching for at least 10 years, as well as served on the PTO and DYW, and a softball coach.  She currently works as Seminary administrative assistant and assistant county librarian.  We are so grateful to her for all her help making the 4-H program grow.  The statewide 4-H Volunteers association has donated a plaque in her honor.”

Afterward, all of the 4-H volunteers for the county were asked to line up at the front of the room. “You all do a great job, and thank you so much.” 

Fonnesbeck next presented awards for 4-H Demonstration. “Each year, as part of their projects, members have to give demonstrations on a topic.  I’ve been encouraging them to take these to the Demonstration contest, and these individuals did.”  Senior winner was Kristal Ford.  Intermediate was Samantha Schrenk.  Junior goes to Cassidy Schrenk.  “4-H is a youth development program, and I really value these demonstrations.  No matter what field they go into, they’re going to need communication skills,”  Fonnesbeck said.

The Best Decorated Club was next announced.  Each year a pizza party is given to whichever club has the best decorated pens.  This year’s winner was the Awesome Lambers club.  

4-H members State Fair Accomplishments were then recounted, including those who had competed at the State Fair in Blackfoot, as recounted in previous editions of the paper.

Recognition of Youth in Agriculture was given out to a number of kids. “Agriculture is very big in this community.  We wanted to recognize a few kids that are continuing that legacy, and showing their leadership in a,” Fonnesbeck said.  Recognized were Kimball Carter, Cale Carter, Ira Carter, Parker Price, Morgan Brown, Oaklie Hebdon, Macoy Luke, Max Semrad, Paisley Davis, Wheeler Smith, Carter Smith, Rawzen Munns, Riggin Munns, Maudee Leavitt, and Samantha Schrenk.

Showmanship Awards Jackets were given out to Grand and Reserve Champions in each division.  For Swine, Brooke Isaacson, Kaylie Nalder, Maclyn Reeder, Lincoln Reeder,  Jace Nalder, Jeremiah Peterson, Riggin Reeder, Riggin Jensen, Emma Daniels, and Rawley Carter all received jackets.

For steers,  jackets were given to Alexis Shaw, Addie Waldron, Rawzen Munns, Paislee Davis, Maudee Leavitt and Wheeler Smith.  

Lamb jackets went to Alivia Waldron, Oaklie Hebdon, Aubrey Shulz, Cael Seamons, Samantha Schrenk, Lyndee Nimer, Cassidy Schrenk, Macoy Luke, Kody Wangsgard and Cache Maroney.

Buckles for high-point winners across multiple classes were, for horses: Kristal Ford, Samantha Schrenk, and Cassidy Schrenk.  For dogs, in Showmanship: Lyndee Nimer and Riggin Munns.  In Obedience Audrey Moss and Riggin Munns.  In Rally: Lyndee Nimer.

Addysin Murdock won a buckle for Mustang.

For Working Ranch—Unit 3, was Kimball Carter.  Unit 2 was Cale Carter.  And Unit 1 was Samantha Schrenk.

Dairy Goat Showmanship Plaques were given to Abbie Cox, and Kendrey Bywater.  Quality Plaques were given to Abbie Cox and Caroline Whipple.

Mini-horse was awarded to Whitnee Waldron.

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